Silicon Power Computer comm Computer Accessories FLSG620DA User Manual

FLSG620DA Users' Note  
NAG Fortran Library, Mark 20  
Silicon Graphics (IRIX 6) Double Precision  
Users' Note  
1. Introduction  
2. Availability of Routines  
3. General Information  
3.1. Accessing the Library  
3.2. Example Programs  
3.3. Interpretation of Bold Italicised Terms  
3.4. Explicit Output from NAG Routines  
3.5. Interface Blocks  
4. Routine-specific Information  
5. Documentation  
6. Support from NAG  
7. User Feedback  
Appendix - Contact Addresses  
1. Introduction  
This document is essential reading for every user of the NAG Fortran Library Implementation  
specified in the title. It provides implementation-specific detail that augments the information  
provided in the NAG Fortran Library Manual and Introductory Guide. Wherever those manuals  
refer to the "Users' Note for your implementation", you should consult this note.  
In addition, NAG recommends that before calling any library routine you should read the  
following reference material (see Section 5):  
(a) Essential Introduction  
(b) Chapter Introduction  
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f90 driver.f -lnag_scs -lscs  
This links to the NAG library as well as the Silicon Graphics BLAS and LAPACK routines in  
Note that the choice of the library linked to can be overridden by specifying the application  
binary interface (ABI), that is -n32 or -64, and the instruction set architecture (ISA), that is  
-mips3 or -mips4.  
Gaining access to the libraries is a simple process, loading the nag module (module load nag)  
is the only step that is required.  
3.2. Example Programs  
The example programs are most easily accessed by the command nagexample, which will  
provide you with a copy of an example program (and its data, if any), compile the program and  
link it with the library (showing you the compile command so that you can recompile your own  
version of the program). Finally, the executable program will be run, presenting its output to  
stdout. The example program concerned is specified by the argument to nagexample, e.g.  
nagexample c06eaf  
will copy the example program and its data into the files c06eafe.f and c06eafe.d in the current  
directory and process them to produce the example program results.  
In the NAG Fortran Library Manual, routine documents that have been typeset since Mark 12  
present the example programs in a generalised form, using bold italicised terms as described in  
Section 3.3.  
In other routine documents, the example programs are in single precision and require  
modification for use with double precision routines. This conversion can entail:  
Changing REAL or COMPLEX type specifications to REAL*8 or COMPLEX*16  
Changing certain intrinsic function references, e.g. REAL or FLOAT to DBLE, ALOG to  
DLOG, CMPLX to DCMPLX, and so on  
Changing real constants to double precision form, e.g. 0.1 or 0.1E0 to 0.1D0  
The example programs supplied to a site in machine-readable form have been modified as  
necessary so that they are suitable for immediate execution. Note that the distributed example  
programs are those used in this implementation and may not correspond exactly with the  
programs published in the manual. The distributed example programs should be used in  
preference wherever possible.  
3.3. Interpretation of Bold Italicised Terms  
For this double precision implementation, the bold italicised terms used in the NAG Fortran  
Library Manual should be interpreted as:  
basic precision  
- double precision  
- COMPLEX*16  
additional precision - quadruple precision (REAL*16)  
machine precision  
- the machine precision, see the value  
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returned by X02AJF in Section 4  
Thus a parameter described as real should be declared as DOUBLE PRECISION in your  
program. If a routine accumulates an inner product in additional precision, it is using software  
to simulate quadruple precision.  
In routine documents that have been newly typeset since Mark 12 additional bold italicised  
terms are used in the published example programs and they must be interpreted as follows:  
real as an intrinsic function name - DBLE  
e in constants, e.g. 1.0e-4  
e in formats, e.g. e12.4  
- D, e.g. 1.0D-4  
- D, e.g. D12.4  
All references to routines in Chapter F07 - Linear Equations (LAPACK) and Chapter F08 -  
Least-squares and Eigenvalue Problems (LAPACK) use the LAPACK name, not the NAG  
F07/F08 name. The LAPACK name is precision dependent, and hence the name appears in a  
bold italicised typeface.  
The typeset examples use the single precision form of the LAPACK name. To convert this name  
to its double precision form, change the first character either from S to D or C to Z as  
For example:  
sgetrf refers to the LAPACK routine name - DGETRF  
3.4. Explicit Output from NAG Routines  
Certain routines produce explicit error messages and advisory messages via output units which  
either have default values or can be reset by using X04AAF for error messages and X04ABF for  
advisory messages. (The default values are given in Section 4). The maximum record lengths of  
error messages and advisory messages (including carriage control characters) are 80 characters,  
except where otherwise specified. These routines are potentially not thread safe and in general  
output is not recommended in a multithreaded environment.  
3.5. Interface Blocks  
The NAG Fortran Library Interface Blocks define the type and arguments of each user callable  
NAG Fortran Library routine. These are not essential to calling the NAG Fortran Library from  
Fortran 90 programs. Their purpose is to allow the Fortran 90 compiler to check that NAG  
Fortran Library routines are called correctly. The interface blocks enable the compiler to check  
(a) Subroutines are called as such  
(b) Functions are declared with the right type  
(c) The correct number of arguments are passed  
(d) All arguments match in type and structure  
These interface blocks have been generated automatically by analysing the source code for the  
NAG Fortran Library. As a consequence, and because these files have been thoroughly tested,  
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their use is recommended in preference to writing your own declarations.  
The NAG Fortran Library Interface Block files are organised by Library chapter. The module  
names are:  
These are supplied in pre-compiled form (.mod files) and they can be accessed by specifying the  
-I"pathname" option on each f90 invocation, where "pathname" is the path of the directory  
containing the .mod files.  
In order to make use of these modules from existing Fortran 77 code the following changes need  
to be made:  
Add a USE statement for each of the module files for the chapters of the NAG Fortran  
Library that your program calls directly. Often only one USE statement will be required.  
Delete all EXTERNAL statements for NAG Fortran Library routines. These are now  
declared in the module(s).  
Delete the type declarations for any NAG Fortran Library functions. These are now  
declared in the module(s).  
These changes are illustrated by showing the conversion of the Fortran 77 version of the  
example program for NAG Fortran Library routine S18DEF. Please note that this is not exactly  
the same as the example program that is distributed with this implementation. Each change is  
surrounded by comments boxed with asterisks.  
S18DEF Example Program Text  
Mark 14 Revised. NAG Copyright 1989.  
* Add USE statement for relevant chapters  
.. Parameters ..  
.. Local Scalars ..  
.. Local Arrays ..  
.. External Subroutines ..  
* EXTERNAL declarations need to be removed (and type declarations *  
* for functions).  
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.. Executable Statements ..  
WRITE (NOUT,*) 'S18DEF Example Program Results'  
Skip heading in data file  
READ (NIN,*)  
WRITE (NOUT,99999) 'Calling with N =', N  
+' FNU  
20 READ (NIN,*,END=40) FNU, Z, SCALE  
IFAIL = 0  
WRITE (NOUT,99998) FNU, Z, SCALE, CY(1), CY(2), NZ, IFAIL  
GO TO 20  
40 STOP  
99999 FORMAT (1X,A,I2)  
99998 FORMAT (1X,F7.4,' (',F7.3,',',F7.3,') ',A,  
2(' (',F7.3,',',F7.3,')'),I4,I4)  
4. Routine-specific Information  
Any further information which applies to one or more routines in this implementation is listed  
below, chapter by chapter.  
(a) D03  
The example programs for D03RAF and D03RBF take much longer to run than other examples.  
(b) F06, F07 and F08  
In this implementation calls to the Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms (BLAS) and linear  
algebra routines (LAPACK) can be resolved by calls to SCSL.  
(c) G02  
The value of ACC, the machine-dependent constant mentioned in several documents in the  
chapter, is 1.0D-13.  
(d) P01  
On hard failure, P01ABF writes the error message to the error message unit specified by  
X04AAF and then stops.  
(e) S07 - S21  
The constants referred to in the NAG Fortran Library Manual have the following values in this  
S07AAF F(1) = 1.0D+13  
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F(2) = 1.0D-14  
S10AAF E(1) = 18.50  
S10ABF E(1) = 708.0  
S10ACF E(1) = 708.0  
S13AAF x(hi) = 708.3  
S13ACF x(hi) = 5.6D+14  
S13ADF x(hi) = 5.6D+14  
S14AAF IFAIL = 1 if X > 170.0  
IFAIL = 2 if X < -170.0  
IFAIL = 3 if abs(X) < 2.23D-308  
S14ABF IFAIL = 2 if X > 2.55D+305  
S15ADF x(hi) = 26.6  
x(low) = -6.25  
S15AEF x(hi) = 6.25  
S17ACF IFAIL = 1 if X > 5.6D+14  
S17ADF IFAIL = 1 if X > 5.6D+14  
IFAIL = 3 if 0.0 < X <= 2.23D-308  
S17AEF IFAIL = 1 if abs(X) > 5.6D+14  
S17AFF IFAIL = 1 if abs(X) > 5.6D+14  
S17AGF IFAIL = 1 if X > 1.038D+2  
IFAIL = 2 if X < -8.9D+9  
S17AHF IFAIL = 1 if X > 1.041D+2  
IFAIL = 2 if X < -8.9D+9  
S17AJF IFAIL = 1 if X > 104.1  
IFAIL = 2 if X < -1.8D+9  
S17AKF IFAIL = 1 if X > 104.1  
IFAIL = 2 if X < -1.8D+9  
S17DCF IFAIL = 2 if abs (Z) < 3.93D-305  
IFAIL = 4 if abs (Z) or FNU+N-1 > 3.27D+4  
IFAIL = 5 if abs (Z) or FNU+N-1 > 1.07D+9  
S17DEF IFAIL = 2 if imag (Z) > 700.0  
IFAIL = 3 if abs (Z) or FNU+N-1 > 3.27D+4  
IFAIL = 4 if abs (Z) or FNU+N-1 > 1.07D+9  
S17DGF IFAIL = 3 if abs (Z) > 1.02D+3  
IFAIL = 4 if abs (Z) > 1.04D+6  
S17DHF IFAIL = 3 if abs (Z) > 1.02D+3  
IFAIL = 4 if abs (Z) > 1.04D+6  
S17DLF IFAIL = 2 if abs (Z) < 3.93D-305  
IFAIL = 4 if abs (Z) or FNU+N-1 > 3.27D+4  
IFAIL = 5 if abs (Z) or FNU+N-1 > 1.07D+9  
S18ADF IFAIL = 2 if 0.0 < X <= 2.23D-308  
S18AEF IFAIL = 1 if abs(X) > 711.6  
S18AFF IFAIL = 1 if abs(X) > 711.6  
S18CDF IFAIL = 2 if 0.0 < X <= 2.23D-308  
S18DCF IFAIL = 2 if abs (Z) < 3.93D-305  
IFAIL = 4 if abs (Z) or FNU+N-1 > 3.27D+4  
IFAIL = 5 if abs (Z) or FNU+N-1 > 1.07D+9  
S18DEF IFAIL = 2 if real (Z) > 700.0  
IFAIL = 3 if abs (Z) or FNU+N-1 > 3.27D+4  
IFAIL = 4 if abs (Z) or FNU+N-1 > 1.07D+9  
S19AAF IFAIL = 1 if abs(x) >= 49.50  
S19ABF IFAIL = 1 if abs(x) >= 49.50  
S19ACF IFAIL = 1 if X > 997.26  
S19ADF IFAIL = 1 if X > 997.26  
S21BCF IFAIL = 3 if an argument < 1.579D-205  
IFAIL = 4 if an argument >= 3.774D+202  
S21BDF IFAIL = 3 if an argument < 2.820D-103  
IFAIL = 4 if an argument >= 1.404D+102  
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(f) X01  
The values of the mathematical constants are:  
X01AAF (PI)  
= 3.1415926535897932  
X01ABF (GAMMA) = 0.5772156649015329  
(g) X02  
The values of the machine constants are:  
The basic parameters of the model  
X02BHF =  
X02BJF =  
X02BKF = -1021  
X02BLF = 1024  
X02DJF = .TRUE.  
Derived parameters of the floating-point arithmetic  
X02AJF = Z'3CA0000000000001' ( 1.11022302462516D-16 )  
X02AKF = Z'0010000000000000' ( 2.22507385850721D-308 )  
X02ALF = Z'7FEFFFFFFFFFFFFF' ( 1.79769313486231D+308 )  
X02AMF = Z'0010000000000000' ( 2.22507385850721D-308 )  
X02ANF = Z'0020000000000000' ( 4.45014771701441D-308 )  
Parameters of other aspects of the computing environment  
X02AHF = Z'4300000000000000' ( 5.62949953421312D+14 )  
X02BBF = 2147483647  
X02BEF = 15  
X02DAF = .FALSE.  
(h) X04  
The default output units for error and advisory messages for those routines which can produce  
explicit output are both Fortran Unit 6.  
It is not possible to use the routines X04ACF and X04ADF with the f90 compiler.  
(i) X05  
The finest granularity of wall-clock time available on this system is one second, so the seventh  
element of the integer array passed as a parameter to X05AAF will always be returned with the  
value 0.  
5. Documentation  
Each supported NAG Fortran Library site is ordinarily provided with a printed copy of the NAG  
Fortran Library Manual (or Update) and Introductory Guide. Additional copies are available for  
purchase; please refer to the NAG websites or contact your local NAG Response Centre for  
current prices (see Section 6).  
A full on-line version of the NAG Fortran Library Manual is supplied in the form of Portable  
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Document Format (PDF) files, with an HTML index, in the NAGdoc directory. The  
introductory material is also provided as HTML files in the NAGdoc directory.  
A main index file has been provided (NAGdoc/fl/manual/mark20.html) which contains a fully  
linked contents document pointing to all the available PDF (and where available HTML) files.  
Use your HTML browser to navigate from here.  
In addition the following are provided in the doc directory:  
un.html- Users' Note (this document)  
blas_lapack_to_nag- BLAS/F06, LAPACK/F07 and LAPACK/F08 listing  
nag_to_blas_lapack- F06/BLAS, F07/LAPACK and F08/LAPACK listing  
6. Support from NAG  
(a) Contact with NAG  
Queries concerning this document or the implementation generally should be directed initially to  
your local Advisory Service. If you have difficulty in making contact locally, you can contact  
NAG directly at one of the addresses given in the Appendix. Users subscribing to the support  
service are encouraged to contact one of the NAG Response Centres (see below).  
(b) NAG Response Centres  
The NAG Response Centres are available for general enquiries from all users and also for  
technical queries from sites with an annually licensed product or support service.  
The Response Centres are open during office hours, but contact is possible by fax, email and  
phone (answering machine) at all times.  
When contacting a Response Centre it helps us deal with your enquiry quickly if you can quote  
your NAG site reference and NAG product code (in this case CHANGE FLSOL20DA).  
(c) NAG Websites  
The NAG websites provide information about implementation availability, descriptions of  
products, downloadable software, product documentation and technical reports. The NAG  
websites can be accessed at  
(d) NAG Electronic Newsletter  
If you would like to be kept up to date with news from NAG then please register to receive our  
free electronic newsletter, which will alert you to special offers, announcements about new  
products or product/service enhancements, customer stories and NAG's event diary. To register  
simply visit one of our websites or contact us at [email protected].  
7. User Feedback  
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Many factors influence the way NAG's products and services evolve and your ideas are  
invaluable in helping us to ensure that we meet your needs. If you would like to contribute to  
this process we would be delighted to receive your comments. Please contact your local NAG  
Response Centre (shown below).  
Appendix - Contact Addresses  
NAG Ltd  
Wilkinson House  
Jordan Hill Road  
United Kingdom  
NAG Ltd Response Centre  
Tel: +44 (0)1865 511245  
Fax: +44 (0)1865 310139  
Tel: +44 (0)1865 311744  
Fax: +44 (0)1865 311755  
NAG Inc  
1400 Opus Place, Suite 200  
Downers Grove  
IL 60515-5702  
NAG Inc Response Center  
Tel: +1 630 971 2337  
Fax: +1 630 971 2706  
Tel: +1 630 971 2345  
Fax: +1 630 971 2346  
NAG GmbH  
Schleißheimerstraße 5  
85748 Garching  
Tel: +49 (0)89 320 7395  
Fax: +49 (0)89 320 7396  
Nihon NAG KK  
Yaesu Nagaoka Building No. 6  
1-9-8 Minato  
Tel: +81 (0)3 5542 6311  
Fax: +81 (0)3 5542 6312  
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