Sony Microcassette Recorder M 560V User Manual

3-241-559-12 (1)  
To m o n it o r t h e so u n d  
Connect an earphone (not supplied) to EAR jack. The monitor  
volume cannot be adjusted by VOL.  
The battery life may shorten depending on the operation of the unit.  
Tro u b le sh o o t in g  
Ho u se cu rre n t  
Should any problem persist after you have made these checks,  
consult your nearest Sony dealer.  
To p re ve n t a ca sse t t e fro m b e in g a ccid e n t a lly re co rd e d  
o ve r  
Break out and remove the cassette tabs. To reuse the cassette for  
recording, cover the tab hole with adhesive tape.  
Micro ca sse t t e -Co rd e r  
to the w all outlet  
A ca sse t t e ca n n o t b e in se rt e d .  
t The cassette is being inserted in the wrong way.  
t n has been already pressed.  
Operating Instructions  
Th e u n it d o e s n o t o p e ra t e .  
Manual de instrucciones (en el reverso)  
t The batteries have been inserted with incorrect polarity.  
t The batteries are weak. Replace both batteries with new  
AC pow er adaptor (not supplied)  
t >PAUSE is slid in the direction of the arrow.  
t The AC power adaptor is connected to the unit only and  
you are going to use the unit on batteries.  
Re co rd in g ca n n o t b e m a d e .  
t There is no cassette in the cassette compartment.  
t The tab on the tape has been removed. To reuse the tape  
for recording, cover the tab hole with adhesive tape.  
Re co rd in g is in t e rru p t e d .  
Connect the AC power adaptor to DC IN 3V and to a wall outlet.  
Use the AC power adaptor (supplied with M-655V only) or the  
AC-E30HG AC power adaptor (not supplied). Do not use any  
other AC power adaptor.  
Sony Corporation © 2002 Printed in China  
Pla yin g a Ta p e  
Polarity of the plug  
t The VOR switch is set to H or L. When you do not use  
VOR, set it to OFF.  
Du rin g CUE/REVIEW t h e t a p e st o p s o r d o e s n o t ru n .  
Yo u ca n n o t fa st -fo rw a rd o r re w in d .  
t The batteries are weak. Replace both batteries with new  
Re co rd in g ca n n o t b e e ra se d co m p le t e ly.  
t The head is contaminated. See “Maintenance”.  
Pla yb a ck ca n n n o t b e m a d e .  
t The tape has reached the end. Rewind the tape.  
No so u n d co m e s fro m t h e sp e a ke r.  
t The earphone is plugged in.  
t The volume is turned down completely.  
Th e so u n d d ro p s o u t o r co m e s w it h e xce ssive n o ise .  
t The volume is turned down completely.  
t The batteries are weak. Replace both batteries with new  
Specifications for AC-E30HG vary for each area.  
Check your local voltage and the shape of plug before purchasing.  
Fo r cu st o m e rs in t h e Un it e d St a t e s  
Re ch a rg e a b le b a t t e rie s (su p p lie d w it h  
M-655V o n ly)  
Charge the rechargeable batteries only with the supplied charge  
adaptor and the AC power adaptor. The rechargeable batteries  
can be charged approximately 500 times.  
Be sure to charge the rechargeable batteries for approximately 8  
hours before using them. The unit can be used for recording for  
approximately 10 hours with the fully charged rechargeable  
m CUE/  
Ow n e rs Re co rd  
The model number is located at the back of the unit and the  
serial number is located inside the cassette holder. Record  
these numbers in the spaces provided below. Refer to these  
numbers whenever you call upon your Sony dealer  
regarding this product.  
650V only)  
650V only)  
Model No._________________ Serial No._________________  
To ch a rg e  
<http:/ / productregistration>  
to the w all outlet  
Charge adaptor  
Insert a cassette with the side to start playing facing the lid.  
Select the tape speed to the same speed as that used for  
Press n.  
Turn VOL to adjust the volume.  
t The head is contaminated. See “Maintenance”.  
t Direct placement of the cassette tape on the speaker  
resulted in magnetization and deteriorated tonal quality.  
t Use the unit away from radiowave-emitting devices such  
as cellular phones.  
Ta p e sp e e d is t o o fa st o r t o o slo w in t h e p la yb a ck  
m o d e .  
t Improper setting of the TAPE SPEED switch. Set it to the  
same speed as that used for recording.  
t The batteries are weak. Replace both batteries with new  
Proper registration will enable us to send you periodic  
mailings about new products, services, and other important  
announcements. Registering your product needs adjustment  
or modification. Thank you.  
AC pow er  
If you plug in headphones (not supplied) to the EAR jack, you  
will get monaural output from both left and right channels.  
You are cautioned that any changes or modifications not  
expressly approved in this manual could void your authority  
to operate this equipment.  
batteries NC-AA  
Pow er indicator  
Press or slide  
The power indicator of the charge adaptor remains lit as long as power is  
supplied from the wall outlet.  
Stop playback/ stop fast  
forward or rewind*  
Ta p e sp e e d is fa st e r t h a n t h e n o rm a l p la yb a ck sp e e d .  
t The FAST PB switch (M-657V/ 655V/ 650V only) is slid in  
the direction of the arrow.  
To u se  
Slide >PAUSE in the direction of the  
arrow. REC (M-657V/ 655V/ 650V) or  
REC/ BATT (M-565V/ 560V) lamp goes  
Pause playback  
To prevent fire or shock hazard, do not  
expose the unit to rain or moisture.  
Slide mCUE/ MREVIEW toward  
mCUE during stop.  
Fast forward  
Insert the # side  
first for each  
Ma in t e n a n ce  
Slide mCUE/ MREVIEW toward  
MREVIEW during stop.  
Keep mCUE/ MREVIEW pushed  
down during playback and release it at  
the point you want.  
Search forward during  
playback (CUE)  
Ab o u t Th is Ma n u a l  
The instructions in this manual are for 5 models. The M-650V is  
the model used for illustration purposes.  
Keep mCUE/ MREVIEW pushed up  
during playback and release it at the  
point you want.  
Search backward during  
playback (REVIEW)  
Their differences are shown in the table below:  
• Use the supplied two rechargeable batteries only with the supplied  
charge adaptor.  
* If you leave the unit after the tape has been wound or rewound, the  
batteries will be consumed rapidly. Be sure to depress Tx.  
• If there is distortion of sound or excessive noise, or if the unit does not  
operate properly, turn off the unit and recharge the two rechargeable  
batteries together.  
• The rechargeable batteries will discharge even when not in use. Be sure  
to charge them before use.  
• Recharge the two rechargeable batteries together. Otherwise, the  
charging cannot be done.  
• Be sure to remove the rechargeable batteries from the charge adaptor to  
avoid overcharging (more than 20 hours) when charging has been  
• Charging and operation should be made in temperature ranges 5°C to  
40°C (40°F to 104°F).  
• The charge adaptor will become warm during charging but this is not a  
sign of problem.  
• Do not use or leave the charge adaptor in a location near heat sources or  
in a place subject to direct sunlight or excessive moisture.  
• Unplug the AC power adaptor from the wall outlet when it is not to be  
used for long.  
Tape counter  
MIC jack  
If the tape is completely wound or rewound while searching forward/  
backward during playback (CUE/ REVIEW), the mCUE/ MREVIEW  
switch may not return to the center position when you release the switch.  
In this case, push back the switch to the center to start playback.  
REC lamp  
Pinch roller  
BATT/ E lamp  
REC/ BATT lamp  
To in cre a se t h e p la yb a ck sp e e d (M-657V/655V/650V o n ly)  
Slide the FAST PB switch in the direction of the arrow. The  
playback speed will be increased.  
To return to the original speed, slide the FAST PB switch to the  
original position.  
To cle a n t h e t a p e h e a d a n d p a t h  
Press n and wipe the head, capstan and the pinch roller with a  
cotton swab, moistened with alcohol every 10 hours of use.  
a: provided or supplied  
—: not provided or not supplied  
At t h e e n d o f t h e t a p e  
To cle a n t h e e xt e rio r  
Use a soft cloth slightly moistened in water. Do not use alcohol,  
benzine or thinner.  
In the recording or playback mode, the tape stops at the end of  
the tape and the locked buttons will be released automatically  
(Automatic shut-off mechanism).  
After fast forward or rewind, be sure to set mCUE/  
MREVIEW back to the center.  
There is no difference among M-657V, M-655V, and M-650V and  
between M-565V and M-560V except for the supplied accessories.  
For information about the supplied accessories, see “Specifications” of  
this manual.  
• Do not attempt to charge dry batteries.  
Sp e cifica t io n s  
Pre p a rin g Po w e r So u rce s  
Choose one of the following power sources.  
Re co rd in g  
Make sure that nothing is connected to MIC (M-657V/ 655V/  
650V only).  
Re co rd in g /Pla yb a ck w it h t h e  
Co n n e ct e d Eq u ip m e n t  
(M-657V/655V/650V o n ly)  
(normal position type)  
Recording system  
2-track 1-channel monaural  
Dry Ba t t e rie s  
Approx. 3.6 cm (1716 in.) dia.  
POWER) (M-657V/  
655V/650V only)  
Tape speed  
2.4 cm/ s (1516 ips), 1.2 cm/ s (1532 ips)  
Frequency range  
Re co rd in g w it h a n Ext e rn a l Micro p h o n e  
Connect a microphone to the MIC jack.  
M-657V : use the supplied microphone.  
Other models : use a microphone of low impedance (less than 3  
kilohms) such as ECM-T6 (not supplied). When using a plug-in-  
power system microphone, the power to the microphone is  
supplied from this unit.  
REC (M-657V/655V/  
650V only)  
REC/BATT (M-565V/  
560V only)  
300 – 4,000 Hz (with TAPE SPEED switch at 2.4 cm/ s)  
Input (M-657V/655V/650V only)  
Microphone input jack (minijack/ PLUG IN POWER)  
sensitivity 0.24 mV for 3 kor lower impedance microphone  
Earphone jack (minijack) for 8 – 300 earphone  
Pow er output (at 10% harmonic distortion)  
250 mW  
Insert the # side  
first for each  
m CUE/  
Pow er requirements  
When recording with an external microphone, the VOR system may not  
tape counter  
3 V DC batteries size AA (R6) × 2/ External DC 3V power sources  
Make sure that nothing is connected to the DC IN 3V jack.  
work properly because of the difference in sensitivity.  
Dimensions (w /h/d)  
Open the battery compartment lid.  
Insert two size AA (R6) batteries with correct polarity and  
close the lid.  
Approx. 62.2 × 119.1 × 25.4 mm (2 12 × 4 34 × 1 in.) incl. projecting  
parts and controls  
Re co rd in g fro m a n o t h e r t a p e re co rd e r  
Connect another tape recorder to the MIC jack using the  
RK-G64HG connecting cord (not supplied).  
Set this unit to the recording mode and another tape recorder to  
the playback mode. In this case set VOR to OFF.  
650V only)  
M-657V/ 655V/ 650V: Approx. 115 g (4.1 oz) (main unit only)  
M-565V/ 560V: Approx. 113 g (4.0 oz) (main unit only)  
Supplied accessories  
To t a ke o u t t h e b a t t e rie s  
AC power adaptor (1) (M-655V only)  
Battery charge adaptor (1) (M-655V only)  
Rechargeable batteries NC-AA, 1.2 V, 700 mAh, Ni-Cd (2) (M-655V  
Microcassette tape MC-30 (1) (M-657V, M-650V for Europe and  
M-560V for the United States and Europe only)  
Microcassette tapes MC-30 (3) (M-565V only)  
Alkaline batteries LR6 (2) (M-657V/ 565V/ 560V for U.S.A. only)  
Microphone (1) (M-657V only)  
Pre ca u t io n s  
On p o w e r  
• Operate the unit only on 3 V DC.  
For AC operation, use the AC adaptor recommended for the  
unit. Do not use any other type. For battery operation, use two  
size AA (R6) batteries.  
Carrying pouch (1) (M-657V only)  
If t h e b a t t e ry co m p a rt m e n t lid is a ccid e n t a lly  
d e t a ch e d  
Attach it as illustrated.  
Design and specifications are subject to change without notice.  
On t h e u n it  
• Use only the  
(standard microcassettes) with this  
unit. Non-standard cassettes cannot be used because their “L”  
dimension (see illustration) is different.  
Press the reset button of the tape counter.  
Press Tx and insert a standard microcassette with the side  
to start recording facing the lid.  
Only standard microcassettes  
have a small indention of side A.  
Select the desired tape speed.  
2.4 cm for optimum sound (recommended for normal use):  
A 30-minute recording can be made using both sides of the  
MC-30 microcassette.  
1.2 cm for longer recording time: A 60-minute recording can  
be made using both sides of the MC-30 microcassette.  
Set VOR to H, L or OFF.  
If you set VOR to H or L, the unit automatically starts  
recording the sound and pauses when there is no sound  
(you can save tapes and batteries).  
H : To record at meeting or in a quiet and/ or spacious place.  
L : To record for dictation or in a noisy place.  
When the sound is not loud enough, set it to OFF, or the unit  
may not start recording.  
Approx. 5 mm  
Approx. 2.5 mm  
Th is w a rra n t y is va lid o n ly in t h e  
Un it e d St a t e s.  
Wh e n t o re p la ce t h e b a t t e rie s  
For M-565V/ 560V  
Replace the batteries with new ones when the REC/ BATT lamp  
• Do not leave the unit in a location near heat sources, or in a  
place subject to direct sunlight, excessive dust or mechanical  
• Should any solid object or liquid fall into the unit, remove the  
batteries or disconnect the AC power adaptor, and have the  
unit checked by qualified personnel before operating it any  
• Keep personal credit cards using magnetic coding or spring-  
wound watches etc. away from the unit to prevent possible  
damage from the magnet used for the speaker.  
• When you do not use the unit for long, remove the batteries to  
avoid damage caused by battery leakage and subsequent  
• If the unit has not been used for long, set it in the playback  
mode and warm it up for a few minutes before inserting a  
For M-657V/ 655V/ 650V  
Replace the batteries with new ones when the BATT lamp goes  
off and the E lamp flashes.  
Press z.  
• The unit will play back normally for a while, even after the E lamp  
flashes. However, replace the batteries as soon as you can. If you do not,  
the playback cannot be made with normal sound, noise may be  
recorded and the recorded sound will not be loud enough (M-657V/  
655V/ 650V only).  
n is pressed simultaneously and recording starts. While  
the tape runs, the REC or REC/ BATT lamp lights and  
flashes depending on the strength of the sound.  
Recording level is fixed.  
• In the following cases you do not need to replace the batteries:  
– if the BATT lamp flashes with the playback sound when you turn up  
the volume.  
– if the E lamp lights momentarily when the tape starts running or at  
the end of the tape (M-657V/ 655V/ 650V only).  
– if the E lamp flashes during FF (CUE) or REW (REVIEW) (M-657V/  
655V/ 650V only).  
Press or slide  
Stop recording  
Start recording during  
z during playback (the unit becomes in the  
recording mode)  
Fo r t h e cu st o m e rs in t h e USA  
Review the portion just Push up mCUE/ MREVIEW toward  
Battery life (Approx. hours)  
MREVIEW during the recording. Release the  
button at the point to start playback.  
Nickel cadmium batteries are recyclable. You can  
help preserve our environment by returning your  
used rechargeable batteries to the collection and  
recycling location nearest you.  
Note: In some areas the disposal of nickel  
cadmium batteries in household or  
Pause recording  
Slide >PAUSE in the direction of the arrow.  
Sony manganese R6P  
8 (M-657V/ 655V/  
650V only)  
10 (M-565V/ 560V  
Take out a cassette  
Sony alkaline LR6 (SG)** 26 (M-657V/ 655V/  
650V only)  
30 (M-565V/ 560V  
business trash may be prohibited.  
Select the 2.4 cm tape speed for recording, if you play back the recorded  
tape with another unit. Otherwise, the sound quality may be changed.  
10 (M-655V only)  
For more information regarding recycling of rechargeable  
batteries, call toll free 1-800-822-8837, or visit  
http:/ /  
* Measured valued by the standard of JEITA (Japan Electronics and  
Information Technology Industries Association) (Using a Sony  
**When using a Sony LR6 (SG) “STAMINA” alkaline dry batteries  
(produced in Japan)  
Notes on VOR (Voice Operated Recording)  
• The VOR system depends on the environmental conditions. If you  
cannot get the desired results, set VOR to OFF.  
• When you use the unit in a noisy place, it will stay in the recording  
mode. If the sound is too soft, on the contrary, the unit will not start  
recording. Set VOR to H (high) or L (low) depending on the conditions.  
Caution: Do not handle damaged or leaking nickel cadmium  
If you have any questions or problems concerning your unit,  
please consult your nearest Sony dealer.  

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