Black Box Network Hardware FX150A User Manual

Lineshare Pro AC  
PORT 4  
LineShare Pro  
PORT 3  
PORT 2  
ON/ PORT 1  
Order toll-free in the U.S. 24 hours, 7 A.M. Monday to midnight Friday: 877-877-BBOX  
FREE technical support, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week: Call 724-746-5500 or fax 724-746-0746  
Mail order: Black Box Corporation, 1000 Park Drive, Lawrence, PA 15055-1018  
1. Todas las instrucciones de seguridad y operación deberán ser leídas antes  
de que el aparato eléctrico sea operado.  
2. Las instrucciones de seguridad y operación deberán ser guardadas para  
referencia futura.  
3. Todas las advertencias en el aparato eléctrico y en sus instrucciones de  
operación deben ser respetadas.  
4. Todas las instrucciones de operación y uso deben ser seguidas.  
5. El aparato eléctrico no deberá ser usado cerca del agua—por ejemplo,  
cerca de la tina de baño, lavabo, sótano mojado o cerca de una alberca,  
6. El aparato eléctrico debe ser usado únicamente con carritos o pedestales  
que sean recomendados por el fabricante.  
7. El aparato eléctrico debe ser montado a la pared o al techo sólo como  
sea recomendado por el fabricante.  
8. Servicio—El usuario no debe intentar dar servicio al equipo eléctrico más  
allá a lo descrito en las instrucciones de operación. Todo otro servicio  
deberá ser referido a personal de servicio calificado.  
9. El aparato eléctrico debe ser situado de tal manera que su posición no  
interfiera su uso. La colocación del aparato eléctrico sobre una cama,  
sofá, alfombra o superficie similar puede bloquea la ventilación, no se  
debe colocar en libreros o gabinetes que impidan el flujo de aire por los  
orificios de ventilación.  
10. El equipo eléctrico deber ser situado fuera del alcance de fuentes de  
calor como radiadores, registros de calor, estufas u otros aparatos  
(incluyendo amplificadores) que producen calor.  
11. El aparato eléctrico deberá ser connectado a una fuente de poder sólo  
del tipo descrito en el instructivo de operación, o como se indique en el  
12. Precaución debe ser tomada de tal manera que la tierra fisica y la  
polarización del equipo no sea eliminada.  
13. Los cables de la fuente de poder deben ser guiados de tal manera que no  
sean pisados ni pellizcados por objetos colocados sobre o contra ellos,  
poniendo particular atención a los contactos y receptáculos donde salen  
del aparato.  
14. El equipo eléctrico debe ser limpiado únicamente de acuerdo a las  
recomendaciones del fabricante.  
15. En caso de existir, una antena externa deberá ser localizada lejos de las  
lineas de energia.  
16. El cable de corriente deberá ser desconectado del cuando el equipo no  
sea usado por un largo periodo de tiempo.  
17. Cuidado debe ser tomado de tal manera que objectos liquidos no sean  
derramados sobre la cubierta u orificios de ventilación.  
18. Servicio por personal calificado deberá ser provisto cuando:  
A: El cable de poder o el contacto ha sido dañado; u  
B: Objectos han caído o líquido ha sido derramado dentro del  
aparato; o  
C: El aparato ha sido expuesto a la lluvia; o  
D: El aparato parece no operar normalmente o muestra un cambio en  
su desempeño; o  
E: El aparato ha sido tirado o su cubierta ha sido dañada.  
All applied-for and registered trademarks are the property of their respective  
1. Specifications....................................................................................9  
2. Introduction .....................................................................................10  
2.1 Before You Begin .....................................................................10  
2.2 About the Lineshare Pro .........................................................10  
3. Installation........................................................................................12  
3.1 Ports on the Lineshare Pro .....................................................12  
3.2 Installing the Lineshare Pro on a Single Phone Line  
with a Single Phone .................................................................14  
3.3 Connecting Telephone Equipment to the Lineshare Pro ....16  
3.4 Installing the Lineshare Pro on a Single Phone Line  
with Multiple Single-Line Phones...........................................18  
3.5 Installing the Lineshare Pro on a Single Phone Line  
with Multiple Phones to Maintain Exclusion .........................19  
3.6 Installing the Lineshare Pro on a KSU or PBX System .........22  
4. Using the Lineshare Pro..................................................................24  
4.1 Special Operating Notes..........................................................24  
4.2 Lineshare Pro Call Routing.....................................................25  
4.3 Answering Incoming Calls.......................................................26  
4.4 Answering Calls from Port 1....................................................26  
4.5 Answering Calls with a TAD ....................................................26  
4.6 Retrieving TAD Messages from a Remote Location..............27  
4.7 Placing an Outbound Call.......................................................27  
4.8 Emergency Call Override ........................................................28  
4.9 Sending a Fax or Modem Transmission.................................29  
4.10 Receiving a Computer Call to a Port .....................................29  
4.11 Dialing the Port Access Code from an Extension Phone.....29  
4.12 Dialing the Destination Computer through the  
Calling Computer ....................................................................30  
4.13 Using Single-Frequency Tone Detection..............................31  
5. Using the Lineshare Pro’s Custom Features and Functions .........33  
5.1 Entering the Programming Mode ..........................................33  
5.2 Lineshare Pro Features............................................................34  
5.3 Lineshare Pro Functions .........................................................36  
5.4 Changing ON/OFF features ...................................................38  
[0] Extension Detection.........................................................38  
[1] Home Routing. .................................................................39  
[2] Secured Operation ...........................................................39  
[3] No Answer Cascade ..........................................................40  
[4] Answer/Disconnect Cascade ...........................................41  
[5] Pulse Transfer...................................................................41  
[6] Open Line Notification....................................................42  
[7] Inbound Tone Transfer ...................................................42  
[8] Ring Reduction.................................................................43  
[9] Outbound Tone Transfer ................................................43  
5.5 Changing Function Options ...................................................44  
[2][1] Protocol Tone Access Signal Detection.....................44  
[2][2] Dual Tone Detection ..................................................45  
[2][3] Protocol Tone Access Signal Assignment..................45  
[3] Cascade Port Order..........................................................47  
[4] Phantom Ring Style..........................................................48  
[5] Emergency Call Override.................................................48  
[6] Dual Tone Assignments ...................................................49  
[7][5] Time at Home .............................................................49  
[7][6] Extension Detection Timer ........................................50  
[8] Rings Available to the Ports .............................................50  
[8][5] Rings to Answer Call ...................................................51  
[9][9][9] Reset to Factory Settings........................................51  
1. Specifications  
Connectors — (1) RJ-11 line in,  
(4) RJ-11 device ports  
Ringer Equivalency — 1.0 B  
Operating Temperature — 5° to  
113° F (-15° to 45° C)  
Maximum Relative Humidity —  
MTBF — 56,200 hours  
Power — 12 VAC, 830 mA external  
Size — 1.7"H x 5.7"W x 6.1"D  
(4.3 x 14.5 x 15.5 cm)  
Weight — 3 lb. (1.4 kg)  
2. Introduction  
Phone Company Voice Mail:  
The phone company’s voice-  
2.1 Before You Begin  
This guide is designed to introduce  
you to the operating and installation  
procedures for using the Lineshare  
Lineshare Pro, but stand-  
alone voice mail systems  
work well with the Lineshare  
Please read this guide and select  
the installation procedures  
appropriate for your specific  
application before attempting to  
connect or operate the Lineshare  
We recommend that service  
for call forwarding, and the  
phone company’s voice mail  
be discontinued. If you have  
problems with call waiting,  
simply turn off call waiting  
during data transmissions.  
According to standard  
industry practice, surge  
protection is recommended  
for all telecommunications  
devices. Surge suppressors  
and/or line conditioning  
should be used on the input  
power supply, as well as the  
connected telephone line.  
2.2 About the Lineshare Pro  
The Lineshare Pro is a state-of-the-  
art telephone-line sharing device  
that eliminates the extra dedicated  
telephone lines used to operate a  
fax, modem, or other telephone  
devices. It quickly directs incoming  
telephone calls to one of four  
appropriate destinations, typically a  
computer modem or fax/modem, a  
facsimile machine, a telephone, and  
a Telephone Answering Device  
(TAD), or any other telephone  
device that responds to a standard  
phone-company ring signal.  
Call Waiting: Fax machine  
and modem transmissions  
could be disrupted by the  
call waiting beep tone.  
Call Forwarding: If call  
forwarding is enabled, the  
Lineshare Pro A/C cannot  
process calls on that line.  
Listed below are examples of  
various telephone-activated devices  
that can be connected to the  
Lineshare Pro:  
• Order-processing system  
• Point-of-sale terminal  
• Call diverter  
• Fax/modem  
• Fluid-storage system  
• Computer modem  
• Facsimile machine  
• Energy-management system  
• Money-order dispensing system  
• Laser fax cartridge  
• Telephone Answering Device  
• Remote diagnostic system  
• Time and attendance system  
• Flow-monitoring system  
• Telephone  
• Bulletin Board System (BBS)  
• Credit-card authorization  
The Lineshare Pro can be  
configured for various modes of  
operation. Read through the rest of  
this guide to learn how to properly  
operate the Lineshare Pro in each  
of these modes.  
• Security alarm and monitoring  
3. Installation  
The Lineshare Pro is a single-line  
device that can be installed on any  
type of modular or non-modular  
phone system that consists of one or  
more lines, with one or more  
For installation, you may need the  
following equipment:  
• one telephone cable—provided  
with the Lineshare Pro  
phones. A modular phone system  
consists of phone cables that can be  
connected and disconnected from a  
telephone device. A non-modular  
phone system consists of cables that  
are hard-wired to the telephone  
device and cannot be disconnected  
from the equipment. You might  
need a telephone installer to install  
the Lineshare Pro on a non-modular  
• additional telephone cables—  
typically supplied with  
equipment by the manufacturer.  
You need additional telephone  
cables (EL04MS=RJ-11 cord) for  
as many pieces of equipment as  
you intend to connect to the  
Lineshare Pro.  
• extension cables (part number  
FM011)—required if the  
connecting equipment is not  
located near the Lineshare Pro.  
Many offices have a KSU or  
a PBX phone system. The  
Lineshare Pro works with  
either of these systems.  
Simply follow the appro-  
priate installation instruc-  
tions provided in Section 3.6.  
3.1 Ports on the Lineshare Pro  
The rear panel of the Lineshare Pro  
has five (5) modular ports and a  
power input port, as shown in  
Figure 3-1.  
The following sections explain  
how to install the Lineshare Pro in  
three different phone  
• a single phone line with a single  
• a single phone line with multiple  
phones maintaining exclusion  
• a KSU or PBX system  
PORT 1  
PORT 2  
PORT 3  
PORT 4  
12V AC  
Figure 3-1. Rear Panel of the Lineshare Pro.  
PORT 2  
Connect the telephone equipment  
to the modular ports on the  
Lineshare Pro as follows:  
telephone device may  
connect to this port  
(such as a fax,  
answering machine,  
computer modem, and  
so on).  
1. Use this port to  
connect a single  
telephone line from a  
wall jack to the  
4. Any type of analog  
telephone device may  
connect to this port  
(such as a fax,  
answering machine,  
computer modem, and  
so on).  
PORT 3  
Lineshare Pro.  
2. Any type of analog  
PORT 1  
telephone device may  
connect to this port  
(such as a fax,  
5. Any type of analog  
telephone device may  
connect to this port  
(such as a fax,  
answering machine,  
computer modem, and  
so on).  
answering machine,  
computer modem, and  
so on). This port is also  
used for making any  
programming changes.  
PORT 4  
3. Any type of analog  
3.2 Installing the Lineshare Pro  
on a Single Phone Line with a  
Single Phone  
Figure 3-2 shows a single-line/single-  
phone arrangement before installing  
the Lineshare Pro. If you have this  
type of arrangement, you can install  
the Lineshare Pro yourself using the  
instructions provided in this section.  
Telephone Wall Jack  
Figure 3-2. A Single-Phone Line/Single-Phone Arrangement Before  
Installing the Lineshare Pro.  
To install the Lineshare Pro on a  
single phone line, as shown in Figure  
3-3, follow these steps:  
• Plug the small end of the AC  
power cord provided with the  
Lineshare Pro into the power  
input port labeled 12 VAC on  
the back of the Lineshare Pro.  
Plug the AC adapter into a  
standard AC outlet.  
• Unplug the telephone cable  
from the wall jack.  
• Plug one end of the telephone  
cable provided with the  
Lineshare Pro into the LINE  
port on the back of the  
Lineshare Pro. Plug the other  
end of the cable into the wall  
jack where the phone was  
The Lineshare Pro begins a self-  
check eight (8) seconds after power  
is applied. When the Lineshare Pro  
completes its self-check, the green  
ON/PORT 1 LED remains ON.  
The line must be installed for  
the unit to pass the self-test  
and show proper indication  
110 Volt  
Wall Jack  
PORT 1  
PORT 2  
PORT 3  
PORT 4  
12V AC  
Figure 3-3. The Lineshare Pro Installed for a Single-Phone-  
Line/Single-Phone Arrangement.  
To connect telephone equipment  
as shown in Figure 3-4 to the  
Lineshare Pro, follow these steps:  
3.3 Connecting Telephone Equipment  
to the Lineshare Pro  
Figure 3-4 shows a complete  
installation for a single phone  
line/single phone arrangement.  
While the connections to the wall  
jack may be different for other types  
of phone systems, the connections to  
the Lineshare Pro remain the same  
for all phone configurations.  
1. To connect a phone, TAD, or  
integrated phone/answering  
machine, plug one end of a  
phone cable into Port 1 on the  
back of the Lineshare Pro.  
2. Plug the other end of the phone  
cable into the phone line jack of  
the phone, TAD, or integrated  
phone/answering machine. This  
jack may be labeled “Line” or  
“Telephone Line.”  
Figure 3-4 illustrates only one  
of many possible configurations.  
As shown, the Lineshare Pro is  
configured with a voice priority  
phone port with three auxiliary  
ports. You can also configure the  
Lineshare Pro as a four port secured  
switching system (see Chapter 5 for  
more information).  
3. To connect a telephone device  
such as a computer modem,  
plug one end of a phone cable  
into PORT 2 on the rear panel  
of the Lineshare Pro.  
4. Plug the other end of the phone  
cable into the telephone device.  
Check the owner’s guide of the  
device for the proper  
connection. Repeat steps 3  
and 4 for Port 3 and Port 4.  
Do not place the Lineshare  
Pro on or in close proximity  
to peripheral equipment  
(approximately 2-3 feet away  
Wall Jack  
110 Volt  
PORT 1  
PORT 2  
PORT 3  
PORT 4  
12V AC  
Figure 3-4. Telephone Equipment Connected to the Lineshare Pro in a  
Single-Phone-Line/Single-Phone Arrangement.  
extension, choose the extension  
where it will be located and follow  
the procedure provided in Section  
3.2. Refer to Figure 3-5 to see how  
to install the Lineshare Pro as an  
extension. Refer to Figure 3-4 to  
see how to connect telephone  
equipment to the Lineshare Pro.  
3.4 Installing the Lineshare Pro on a  
Single Phone Line with Multiple  
Single-Line Phones  
You can install the Lineshare Pro in  
a phone configuration with multiple  
single-line phones by adding the  
Lineshare Pro on a single extension.  
If the Lineshare Pro is installed as an  
Telephone Wall Jacks  
110 Volt  
PORT 1  
PORT 2  
PORT 3  
PORT 4  
12V AC  
Figure 3-5. Lineshare Pro Installed on an Extension.  
To fully use this application,  
you must turn the Extension  
Detection feature ON (see  
You should be familiar with  
telephone wiring to complete  
this installation. If you have  
any questions or are not  
confident that you can  
complete this installation  
procedure, contact technical  
You should also set the time  
that the Lineshare Pro waits  
for detection with the  
Extension Detection timer.  
To maintain exclusion, the phone  
line must terminate at the Lineshare  
Pro, and all telephone equipment  
must connect through the back of  
the Lineshare Pro as shown in  
Figure 3-4.  
Telephones not directly connected  
to the Lineshare Pro ring only one  
time on an inbound telephone call.  
If your application requires that all  
extension phones ring continuously  
on an inbound telephone call, see  
Section 3.5.  
For this procedure, you need  
the following equipment:  
• a pair of wire snippers  
3.5 Installing the Lineshare Pro on a  
Single Phone Line with Multiple  
Phones to Maintain Exclusion  
• a regular screwdriver and a  
Phillips screwdriver  
• two (2) RJ-11 wallmount jacks  
(part number FM012)  
When using a fax or modem  
connected to the Lineshare Pro,  
make sure the fax or modem  
• two (2) phone cables  
• a utility knife  
connection is not interrupted during  
transmission. You can ensure  
uninterrupted transmission by  
configuring your phone system to  
maintain exclusion. Exclusion means  
that if the fax, modem, or other  
device is on the line transmitting or  
receiving information and a phone  
device on another port goes off-hook  
to make a call, the transmission is  
not interrupted. You hear a busy  
tone produced by the Lineshare Pro,  
indicating that the line is presently  
in use.  
To install the Lineshare Pro as  
shown in Figure 3-6, follow these  
1. Label one of the RJ-11 jacks  
“Number 1” and the other  
RJ-11 “Number 2.”  
6. Connect the cut wires that feed  
all the phones in the location to  
jack “Number 2” by attaching  
the red wire to the red post and  
the green wire to the green post.  
The RJ-11 jacks have four (4)  
posts: The red post is  
marked [R], the green post is  
marked [G], the yellow post  
is marked [Y], and the black  
post is marked [B].  
7. Plug one end of a phone cable  
into jack “Number 1.”  
2. Locate the telephone line from  
the phone company after it  
enters the premises but before it  
routes to any phone jack.  
8. Plug the other end of the phone  
cable into the LINE port on the  
rear panel of the Lineshare Pro.  
9. Plug one end of the second  
phone cable into PORT 1 on the  
rear panel of the Lineshare Pro.  
3. With the utility knife, cut into  
the cable to expose the red,  
green, yellow, and black wires.  
10. Plug the other end of the  
phone cable into jack “Number  
If the color codes of the  
wires are not red, green,  
yellow, and black, call  
technical support for further  
11. Connect the other telephone  
equipment as shown in Figure  
If the Lineshare Pro is not located  
near the other equipment, you may  
need to run additional telephone  
wiring to the equipment to complete  
this installation.  
4. Cut the red and green wires and  
expose the copper wire, while  
leaving the yellow and black  
wires intact.  
No phone in the location should  
have dial tone on this line.  
5. Connect the cut wires from the  
phone company to jack  
“Number 1” by attaching the red  
wire to the red post and the  
green wire to the green post.  
Phone Company  
Junction Box  
PORT 1  
PORT 2  
PORT 3  
PORT 4  
12V AC  
Figure 3-6. The Lineshare Pro Installed on a Single Line with Multiple  
Phones while Maintaining Exclusion.  
3.6 Installing the Lineshare Pro  
on a KSU or PBX System  
You should be familiar with  
telephone wiring to complete  
this installation. If you have  
any questions or are not  
confident that you can  
complete this installation  
procedure, contact technical  
A KSU or PBX phone system is  
common in a medium or large  
office arrangement in which calls  
are coming in on two or more lines  
and can be routed to any number of  
extensions. A KSU or PBX typically  
has features like call holding, music  
on hold, conference calling, and  
intercom paging.  
Do not plug the Lineshare  
Pro into a KSU or PBX  
phone jack. You may  
damage your phone system.  
Figure 3-6 shows telephone devices  
connected to the Lineshare Pro for  
a KSU or PBX phone system. For the  
Lineshare Pro to operate properly, it  
must be “in front” of the KSU or  
PBX. In other words, the Lineshare  
Pro must connect directly to the  
incoming telephone line (the last  
line in rollover).  
All equipment on the last line in  
rollover (KSU or PBX, fax, computer  
modem, and so on) must connect  
directly to the Lineshare Pro as  
shown in Figure 3-4.  
Connect the Lineshare Pro  
to the last line in rollover.  
PORT 1  
PORT 2  
PORT 3  
PORT 4  
12V AC  
Figure 3-7. The Lineshare Pro Installed on a KSU  
or PBX Phone System.  
4. Using the Lineshare Pro  
Computer modems: Unlike fax calls,  
inbound computer calls do not  
produce any tones; they remain  
silent until another modem answers  
the call.  
4.1 Special Operating Notes  
Before operating the Lineshare Pro,  
be sure that you understand the  
following information about the  
telephone equipment that is used  
with the Lineshare Pro (if you use a  
fax or fax modem card).  
The Lineshare Pro works best  
when calls from modem-type  
devices have the ability to identify  
themselves with an identifying tone.  
Fax CNG tones: Most fax machines  
send audible beep tones called CNG  
(CalliNG) tones. Once a fax  
machine has dialed the destination  
fax machine’s number, it generates  
this tone while waiting for the  
receiving fax to answer. This tone  
is a distinct beep that repeats every  
three (3) seconds. Most fax  
One device that identifies a  
modem-type device with a single-  
frequency tone is called the  
Lineshare Master (FX155A). The  
Lineshare Master can produce eight  
different single-frequency tones that  
allow the Lineshare Pro to route  
calls to multiple modem-type devices  
connected to a single phone line.  
machines produce this tone through  
their auto-dial feature, speed-dial  
memory position, or by the operator  
pressing the fax machine’s start  
button after the number is dialed.  
However, not all fax machines  
transmit this signal when they place  
a call. For best results with  
4.2 Lineshare Pro Call Routing  
When the Lineshare Pro answers a  
call, it listens for specific pre-  
programmed tones and  
automatically routes the call to the  
correct port. If a tone is not present,  
the call is routed to the first port in  
the Cascade Port Order (depending  
on your configuration). You can  
then answer the phone, decide the  
origin of the call, and route the call  
manually if necessary.  
automatic switching to a fax  
machine, callers should have your  
fax number programmed into their  
fax machine’s speed-dial memory.  
The Lineshare Pro has two basic  
modes of operation:  
If the Lineshare Pro does not  
detect a signal, it routes the call to  
the first port in the Cascade Port  
Order (primary default port). When  
the phones connected to that port  
ring, it means that the call is coming  
from one of the following  
• In the secured mode, when a call  
comes in, the Lineshare Pro  
answers the call on the first  
ring and waits silently for a pre-  
specified routing tone. The  
Lineshare Pro will wait for the  
amount of time set in the Time  
at Home function. If the  
Lineshare Pro does not receive  
a routing tone before this time  
expires, the call is disconnected.  
If the Lineshare Pro receives a  
routing tone, the call is  
automatically routed to the  
correct port.  
(depending on your configuration):  
• a person wanting to talk to you  
• a person sending a fax manually  
• a fax machine that does not  
produce CNG signals  
• a person trying to access a port  
• a modem device not using the  
proper access codes or protocol  
• In the non-secured mode, when a  
call comes in, the Lineshare Pro  
answers the call on the first ring,  
and then provides a ring-back  
tone to the caller. This tone is  
intended to make the routing  
process transparent to the caller.  
If after six rings to the primary  
default port/Port 1 (four rings to  
Ports 2, 3, and 4), the call remains  
unanswered, the Lineshare Pro will  
automatically route the call to the  
next port in the Cascade Port Order.  
For any future calls, the Ring  
Reduction feature engages and the  
Lineshare Pro routes calls to the  
next port in the Cascade Port Order  
after the second ring.  
After the Lineshare Pro answers  
the call, it listens for various routing  
tones or access codes. See Sections  
4.10 and 4.13 for more information.  
You can reset the ring count for  
the Ring Reduction feature to six  
rings by performing any of the  
following steps:  
• From a tone phone, enter 22 for  
Port 2, 33 for Port 3, or 44 for  
Port 4 (if you answer a call from  
another port, you can press 11  
for Port 1).  
• Lift the receiver of the phone  
device connected to the primary  
default port.  
• From a pulse dialing phone, dial  
3 for Port 2, 4 for Port 3, and 5  
for Port 4.  
• Answer a call from any phone  
before the call is routed to  
another port.  
If a caller verbally requests a  
device connected to a port, you  
can route the call by entering the  
appropriate access code.  
• Place an outbound call from a  
phone connected to the primary  
default port of the Lineshare  
The tone access codes used  
in these examples are  
factory-preset. They may be  
changed according to your  
needs. See Section 5.4 for  
(See Section 5.4 for more  
information about the No Answer  
Cascade and Ring Reduction  
4.3 Answering Incoming Calls  
4.5 Answering Calls with a TAD  
Depending on your configuration,  
you can answer incoming calls from  
a phone device connected to the  
primary default port. You can then  
conduct the call normally, for as  
long as you like.  
If your TAD answers a call from  
PORT 1, the caller can perform one  
or both of the following tasks:  
• record a voice message on the  
• transfer their call to Port 2, Port  
3, or Port 4  
4.4 Answering Calls from Port 1  
If, after answering a call, you hear  
silence on the line, the call is likely  
coming from a fax or modem that  
did not produce a routing tone.  
Simply transfer the call to Port 2,  
Port 3, or Port 4 by entering the  
appropriate access code. (The  
Inbound Tone Transfer Feature  
must be turned on for this transfer  
to function.)  
We recommend that you use your  
TAD announcement message to  
provide callers with instructions for  
transferring their calls. Following is a  
sample announcement message that  
you may want to use:  
“Hello, this is ________ . If you want  
to send a fax, press # 2 2 on your  
tone phone, or leave a message at  
the tone.”  
(In this application, your fax should  
be connected to Port 2.)  
4.6 Retrieving TAD Messages from  
a Remote Location  
To disable the Lineshare Pro and  
retrieve your TAD messages, follow  
these steps:  
You can also announce the tone  
access code for Port 3 or Port 4 (# 3  
3 or # 4 4) if you want to allow open  
access to these ports. (The Inbound  
Tone Transfer Feature must be  
turned on for this transfer to  
• Dial your phone number and  
wait for the Lineshare Pro to  
answer the call.  
• After the Lineshare Pro has  
answered the call, but before  
your TAD answers, press the *  
key on your tone phone between  
ring signals.  
To accommodate pulse-dialing  
faxes, or faxes that do not produce  
CNG tones, turn the  
Answer/Disconnect Cascade feature  
ON for the port where your TAD is  
connected (primary default port) to  
transfer calls to the port where your  
fax is connected.  
• When your TAD answers, follow  
the remote retrieval procedures  
for your TAD.  
• After retrieving your messages,  
hang up. The Lineshare Pro  
resets for the next call.  
4.7 Placing an Outbound Call  
Port selection for the  
Answer/Disconnect Cascade  
feature can be set to any  
port. The factory default  
setting is OFF for any device  
disconnecting from a call. To  
change the default setting,  
see Answer/Disconnect  
Cascade in Section 5.4.  
You can place an outbound call from  
any port, unless another port is in  
use. If another port is in use, you will  
hear a busy tone. If the line is clear  
when the calling device goes off-  
hook, you receive a dial tone and  
can place the call normally.  
If you place a call from an  
extension phone that is not  
directly connected to the  
Lineshare Pro, you may  
interrupt a data transmission  
in progress on one of the  
ports. If this happens, simply  
hang up the extension phone  
and wait for the line to clear.  
During an outbound call, you  
can also receive a data or fax  
• In the Automatic mode of  
operation, the Lineshare Pro  
will interrupt a call already in  
process on Port 2, Port 3, or Port  
4 if a phone device goes off-hook  
in PORT 1. When you take your  
phone off-hook for an  
transmission from someone that  
is ready to transmit. To route this  
transmission from a tone phone to  
a specific port, press # 11 for Port 1,  
# 22 for Port 2, # 33 for Port 3, or  
# 44 for Port 4. To use this feature,  
you must first turn Outbound Tone  
Transfer ON. (See Section 5.4 for  
more information.)  
emergency call, you will hear a  
four-second busy signal, a click,  
and then dial tone. Once you  
hear dial tone, you can dial your  
emergency number. If you do  
not receive dial tone after about  
five seconds, repeat the  
4.8 Emergency Call Override  
• In the Manual mode of operation,  
the Lineshare Pro will interrupt  
a call already in process on Port  
2, Port 3, or Port 4 if a phone  
device goes off-hook in PORT 1  
and the * key is pressed. When  
you take your phone off-hook  
for an emergency call, you will  
hear a busy signal. If you want  
access to the line, press the *  
key. You then hear a click and  
dial tone. Once you hear dial  
tone, you can dial your  
This feature works in  
conjunction with the three-  
way calling service provided  
by the phone company.  
Three-way calling must be  
installed and in service on  
the phone line connected to  
the Lineshare Pro in order  
to interrupt a call and place  
an outbound emergency call.  
When the Lineshare Pro is on line  
with a fax or data call through Port  
2, Port 3, or Port 4, this feature  
allows a device connected to PORT 1  
to disable the call. This feature is  
factory-preset OFF and must be  
turned ON in order to function.  
emergency number. If you do  
not receive dial tone after about  
three seconds, hang up the  
phone and repeat the  
To change the setting of this  
feature, see Section 5.4.  
When set to ON, this feature has  
two modes of operation as follows:  
4.9 Sending a Fax  
or Modem Transmission  
UNSECURED when the  
Answer/Disconnect Cascade  
and No Answer Cascade  
features are set to transfer  
calls to a port.  
To send a fax or modem  
transmission, you must either dial  
from the phone connected to the  
fax machine or modem, or use the  
auto-dial feature of the device you  
are using. (Refer to your fax  
machine or modem Operator’s  
Guide for instructions.)  
4.11 Dialing the Port Access Code  
from an Extension Phone  
Instruct the caller to attach a “T” or  
“Y” adapter to the wall jack where  
the modem’s phone line connects.  
Have the caller plug the modem into  
one side of the “T” or “Y” adapter,  
and plug a standard tone phone in  
the other side of the adapter. When  
the caller instructs the modem to  
call your modem, he or she must lift  
the phone’s receiver off-hook after  
the modem dials the number. (The  
caller may dial your phone number  
You cannot use a phone  
connected to a fax machine  
connected to another port to  
answer a call ringing on Port  
1. To answer a call ringing  
on Port 1, see Section 4.3.  
4.10 Receiving a Computer Call  
to a Port  
Unlike a fax call, inbound computer  
calls do not produce any tones; they  
remain silent until another modem  
answers the call. The ports of the  
Lineshare Pro are secured  
Next, the caller listens for the  
Lineshare Pro to answer and enters  
the port access code between ring  
depending on your configuration.  
There are two ways to access a port  
from a remote location:  
• The Port 1 access code is factory-  
preset to # 11.  
• The Port 2 access code is factory-  
preset to # 22.  
1. Use tones from a tone-type  
phone or other device that  
produces tones (for instance, a  
• The Port 3 access code is factory-  
preset to # 33.  
2. Use a device as previously  
described that produces single-  
frequency tones. To receive a  
computer call to a port, instruct  
the caller to use one of the  
following methods. (This  
• The Port 4 access code is factory-  
preset to # 44.  
When the modem answers, the  
caller begins the transmission and  
hangs up the phone.  
example uses a modem.)  
4.12 Dialing the Destination  
Computer through the Calling  
To have the calling modem  
automatically “over dial” a port  
access code and access the modem  
connected to the Lineshare Pro, the  
caller must take into consideration  
whether the call is local or long  
The comma (,) command  
does not always delay  
dialing for a two-second  
interval. See your modem’s  
operator’s guide.  
For long-distance remote access to  
Port 1 (modem or fax/modem) on  
the Lineshare Pro, instruct the caller  
to use the following dialing string in  
the modem’s software:  
For local remote access to PORT 1  
(modem or fax/modem) on the  
Lineshare Pro, instruct the caller to  
use the following dialing string in  
the modem’s software:  
ATDT 1(phone  
For long distance remote access to  
PORT 2 on the Lineshare Pro,  
instruct the caller to use the  
following dialing string in the  
modem’s software:  
ATDT (phone  
For local remote access to PORT 2  
on the Lineshare Pro, instruct the  
caller to use the following dialing  
string in the modem’s software:  
ATDT 1(phone  
The calling modem picks up its  
phone line and dials the phone  
number. Each comma (,) tells the  
modem to wait about two seconds  
and then over-dial the access code (#  
11 or # 22). When the Lineshare Pro  
answers, it detects the tones and  
routes the call automatically to the  
correct port.  
ATDT (phone  
The calling modem picks up its  
phone line and dials the phone  
number. Each comma (,) tells the  
modem to wait about two seconds  
and then over-dial the access code (#  
11 or # 22). When the Lineshare Pro  
answers, it detects the tones and  
routes the call automatically to the  
correct port.  
Pulse-dialing systems should use  
the following dialing string for a call  
to PORT 2:  
ATDP (phone number) T  
4.13 Using Single-Frequency Tone  
Again, you should consider  
When the Lineshare Pro answers a  
call, it listens for specific pre-  
programmed tones and  
automatically routes the call to the  
correct port. If a tone is not present,  
the call is routed to the primary  
default port.  
The Lineshare Pro listens for the  
following single-frequency tones:  
whether the call is local or long  
distance, and what the appropriate  
access code is for the desired port.  
If a port access code is  
changed to a number using  
various digits (for example,  
4598), the caller will use a  
similar dialing string with #  
between access codes.  
Example: ATDT (phone  
number), #4598,#4598, #4598  
• 1000hz  
• 1100hz (typically fax CNG tone)  
• 1200hz  
• 1300hz  
• 1400hz  
• 1500hz  
• 1600hz  
• 2225hz (typically reverse modem  
The Lineshare Pro is factory-preset  
to route calls as follows:  
• Port 1—1000hz  
• Port 2—1600hz  
• Port 3—1100hz  
• Port 4—2225hz  
One device that identifies a  
modem-type device with a single-  
frequency tone is called the  
You must turn Protocol Tone  
Access Signal Detection ON  
to route calls to Port 1 and  
Port 2 using this application.  
Port 3 and Port 4 are factory-  
preset ON. See Section 5.5  
for more information.  
Lineshare Master (FX155A). The  
Lineshare Master can produce eight  
different single-frequency tones that  
allow the Lineshare Pro to route  
calls to multiple modem-type devices  
connected to a single phone line.  
To have the calling party  
When the Lineshare Pro answers  
a call and detects a single-frequency  
tone, the call is automatically routed  
to the correct port.  
automatically route calls to a port  
connected to the Lineshare Pro,  
the caller must use a device that can  
produce the single-frequency tones.  
5. Using the Lineshare Pros Custom  
Features and Functions  
The following sections explain  
The Lineshare Pro includes many  
options that enable you to customize  
its operation to meet specific  
application needs. The Lineshare  
Pro’s features and functions are  
factory-preset, and it is unlikely  
that you will need to make many  
changes. However, if necessary,  
you can alter any program using  
a tone-type phone connected to  
Port 1. The Lineshare Pro cannot  
be programmed with a rotary or  
pulse-dialing phone.  
how to enter the programming  
mode and change the features and  
5.1 Entering the Programming Mode  
To enter the programming mode,  
perform the following steps:  
1. Connect the telephone line  
from the phone company to the  
LINE port on the Lineshare Pro.  
2. Pick up the receiver of the  
phone connected to Port 1. You  
should hear dial tone.  
program any feature, we  
recommend that you first  
3. Within five seconds, press and  
release # * on the telephone  
programming procedures.  
Then read Sections 5.4 and  
5.5 to decide if you want to  
make changes.  
Make sure that the Port 1 green  
ON indicator (LED) on the front of  
the unit lights steadily. If this green  
LED lights steadily, the Lineshare  
Pro has successfully entered the  
programming mode. Once in the  
programming mode, the Lineshare  
Pro internally disables the phone-  
line connection, and you hear a  
buzzing sound on the phone  
To change the Lineshare Pro’s  
features and functions, we  
recommend the following steps:  
1. Using Tables 5-1 and 5-2, write  
down the sequence of changes.  
2. Enter the programming mode.  
3. Change the features or  
If the Lineshare Pro does not  
enter the programming mode (the  
green LED continues flashing), try  
again with a different phone.  
5.2 Lineshare Pro Features  
Tables 5-1 and 5-2 list the Lineshare  
Pro’s capabilities, factory settings,  
and available options. The sections  
that follow Tables 5-1 and 5-2  
explain the features and functions  
n detail and provide guidelines for  
changing the program settings.  
When you are in the programming  
mode and entering changes, the  
Lineshare Pro notifies you of correct  
or incorrect entries with the  
following signals:  
Enter the programming mode  
by pressing # *.  
• Three short beeps: Indicates  
that the entry is valid, and the  
Lineshare Pro has accepted the  
Press 0 in front of a feature  
number to turn the feature OFF.  
Press 1 in front of a feature  
• Single low beep: Indicates that  
the entry is invalid, or out of  
normal operating range, and the  
Lineshare Pro did not accept the  
change. Re-enter the command  
string with a valid entry.  
number to turn the feature ON.  
Exit the programming mode  
by pressing * *.  
All programming commands  
end with a * key.  
Table 5-1. Lineshare Pro Custom Features.  
Factory Setting Options  
Extension Detection  
Home Routing  
0 OFF/1 ON  
0 OFF/1 ON  
0 OFF/1 ON  
Secured Operation  
NOTE: Turning the secured operation feature ON affects the operation of other  
No Answer Cascade  
0 OFF/1 ON  
0 OFF/1 ON  
0 OFF/1 ON  
0 OFF/1 ON  
0 OFF/1 ON  
0 OFF/1 ON  
0 OFF/1 ON  
Answer/Disconnect Cascade 0  
Pulse Transfer  
Open Line Notification  
Inbound Tone Transfer  
Ring Reduction  
Outbound Tone Transfer  
Change function settings by  
entering the function number,  
followed by a valid entry from the  
options available column.  
5.3 Lineshare Pro Functions  
Enter the programming mode by  
pressing # *.  
Exit the programming mode  
by pressing * *.  
Table 5-2. Lineshare Pro Custom Functions.  
Factory Setting Options  
2 1  
2 2  
2 3  
Protocol Tone Access  
Signal Detection  
0 0 1 1  
1 1 1 1  
0 6 1 9  
0 OFF/1 ON for each  
Dual Tone Detection  
0 OFF/1 ON for each  
Protocol Tone Access  
Signal Assignment  
Any protocol tone  
0-6 or 9, see  
Table 5-3  
Cascade Port Order  
Phantom Ring Style  
Emergency Call Override  
1 2 3 4  
Any order  
1 to 7  
0 OFF  
1 ON—automatic  
2 ON—manual  
Dual Tone Assignments  
Time at Home  
See Description Any 1 to 4 digits  
for each port  
7 5  
3 0  
1 to 6 0  
Table 5-2 (continued). Lineshare Pro Custom Functions.  
Factory Setting Options  
7 6  
Extension Detection to Timer 1.5  
1 to 3 0  
Rings Available to the Ports See Description 0 to 99 for each port  
8 5  
9 9 9  
Rings to Answer Call  
0 to 9 9  
Reset to Factory Settings  
default values  
The following sections contain  
specific information about each  
feature and function and how to  
change the setting.  
You have 5 seconds between  
each tone entry to enter  
another command. If you do  
not enter a command within  
5 seconds, the Lineshare Pro  
exits the programming mode  
without saving the changes.  
5.4 Changing ON/OFF features  
Earlier in this chapter, Table 5-1  
listed the features that can be turned  
ON or OFF individually, or  
simultaneously with other features  
during a single programming  
session. The features are numbered  
[0] through [9]. In this section, you  
will find a description of each  
feature and instructions for turning  
the feature ON or OFF.  
5. When you are finished making  
changes, press the * key again to  
save the changes and exit the  
programming mode.  
Example: To turn Home Routing ON,  
enter the programming mode and  
press 1 1 *. Press * again to save the  
changes, and exit the programming  
mode. To turn Home Routing OFF,  
enter the programming mode and  
press 0 1 *. Press * again to save the  
changes, and exit the programming  
To turn a feature ON or OFF, use  
the following steps:  
1. Press # * from a tone phone  
connected to Port 1 to enter the  
programming mode.  
[0] Extension Detection  
2. Turn the feature ON by pressing  
1 followed by the feature  
number. Turn the feature OFF  
by pressing 0 followed by the  
feature number.  
Extension Detection operates only  
when the Lineshare Pro is  
configured in the non-secured  
mode, and when an inbound  
telephone call is ringing PORT 1 (or  
the primary default port).  
3. Press * to end the programming  
This feature allows the Lineshare  
Pro to detect when an extension  
phone not directly connected to the  
Lineshare Pro answers a call that is  
actively ringing the primary default  
port. When the Lineshare Pro  
4. Continue performing steps 2  
and 3 until all the desired  
features have been changed.  
detects that the extension phone has  
gone off-hook, it releases the call to  
the extension phone and stops  
ringing the primary default port.  
The Extension Detection feature is  
factory-preset OFF, 0 0 *. To turn  
the Extension Detection feature ON,  
enter the programming mode and  
press the following on your tone  
Turn this feature ON if you want to  
allow access of multiple ports during  
a single call in the secured mode.  
To turn Home Routing ON, enter  
the programming mode and press  
the following on your tone phone:  
1 Turn ON  
0 Extension Detection  
1 Turn ON  
* End programming sequence (3  
beeps indicate correct entry)  
1 Home Routing  
* End programming sequence (3  
beeps indicate correct entry)  
(Optional entries for additional  
(Optional entries for additional  
* Save changes and exit  
* Save changes and exit  
[1] Home Routing  
Home Routing operates only when  
the Lineshare Pro is configured in  
the secured mode.  
[2] Secured Operation  
When the Lineshare Pro is in the  
secured mode, the following features  
are affected regardless of their  
programming defaults or current  
This feature enables the Lineshare  
Pro to hold the phone line after a  
device disconnects from a call and  
then route it to another port, or  
“home.” Home is a temporary state  
where the caller must enter an  
access code, or a single-frequency  
protocol tone, to access another  
0 Extension Detection is OFF.  
3 No Answer Cascade is OFF.  
4 Answer/Disconnect Cascade is  
When a call is rerouted home, the  
amount of time that the caller has to  
select another port is limited by the  
Time at Home function. If the caller  
does not enter a tone to access  
another port during this time, the  
Lineshare Pro disconnects the call.  
The Home Routing feature is  
5 Pulse Transfer is OFF.  
6 Open Line Notification is OFF.  
7 Inbound Tone Transfer is OFF.  
8 Ring Reduction is OFF.  
factory-preset OFF, 0 1 *.  
9 Outbound Tone Transfer is OFF.  
(For more information about the  
secured mode, see Section 4.2)  
The No Answer Cascade feature is  
factory-preset ON, 1 3 *.  
The Secured Operation feature is  
factory-preset OFF, 0 2 *. Turn this  
feature ON if you want to limit  
access to the Lineshare Pro ports.  
To turn No Answer Cascade OFF,  
enter the programming mode and  
press the following on your tone  
To turn Secured Operation ON,  
enter the programming mode and  
press the following on your tone  
0 Turn OFF  
3 No Answer Cascade  
* End programming sequence (3  
beeps indicate correct entry)  
1 Turn ON  
(Optional entries for additional  
2 Secured Operation  
* End programming sequence (3  
beeps indicate correct entry)  
* Save changes and exit  
(Optional entries for additional  
See Cascade Port Order in  
Section 5.5 for more  
* Save changes and exit  
[3] No Answer Cascade  
[4] Answer/Disconnect Cascade  
No Answer Cascade operates only  
when the Lineshare Pro is  
configured in the non-secured  
Answer/Disconnect Cascade  
operates only when the Lineshare  
Pro is configured in the non-secured  
If an incoming call remains  
If an incoming call is answered  
from any port and disconnected, the  
Answer/Disconnect Cascade feature  
will automatically route the call to  
the next port in the Cascade Port  
Order. This feature can be used for  
all four ports. After the last port in  
the Cascade Port Order answers a  
call, the Lineshare Pro disconnects  
the phone line.  
unanswered (on the primary default  
port) after the Rings Available count  
expires, the No Answer Cascade  
feature will automatically route the  
call to the next port in the Cascade  
Port Order. This feature can be used  
for any port. If the last port in the  
Cascade Port Order does not answer  
the call, the Lineshare Pro  
disconnects the call.  
The Answer/Disconnect Cascade  
feature is factory preset OFF, 0 4 *.  
The Pulse Transfer codes for the  
ports are as follows:  
To turn the Answer/Disconnect  
Cascade ON, enter the  
PORT 1 - dial 2  
PORT 2 - dial 3  
PORT 3 - dial 4  
PORT 4 - dial 5  
programming mode and press the  
following on your tone phone:  
1 Turn ON  
4 Answer/Disconnect Cascade  
The Pulse Transfer is factory  
preset ON, 1 5 *.  
* End programming sequence (3  
beeps indicate correct entry)  
To turn the Pulse Transfer feature  
OFF, enter the programming mode  
and press the following on your tone  
(Optional entries for additional  
* Save changes and exit  
0 Turn OFF  
5 Pulse Transfer  
See Cascade Port Order in  
Section 5.5 for more  
* End programming sequence (3  
beeps indicate correct entry)  
(Optional entries for additional  
[5] Pulse Transfer  
Pulse Transfer operates only when  
the Lineshare Pro is configured in  
the non-secured mode.  
* Save changes and exit  
[6] Open Line Notification (OLN)  
The Pulse Transfer feature allows  
rotary or pulse-dialing phones that  
are connected to the primary default  
port of the Lineshare Pro to transfer  
calls to other ports. (See Section 3.5)  
Open Line Notification operates  
only when the Lineshare Pro is  
configured in the non-secured  
When ON, this feature is typically  
used when all the phones are wired  
directly to the primary default port  
of the Lineshare Pro. If you pick up  
a phone connected to the primary  
default port, and hear a busy tone  
indicating that a device on another  
port is on the line, simply hang up  
the phone. After the other device  
releases the line, OLN signals the  
phone devices connected to the  
primary default port with a short  
ring. You now have an open  
This feature enables you to  
manually transfer an inbound call  
from the primary default port to  
another port using your tone-type  
phone. (The setting of this feature  
does not affect an inbound  
computer call using access codes.)  
The Inbound Tone Transfer is  
factory preset OFF, 0 7 *. To turn  
the Inbound Tone Transfer ON,  
enter the programming mode and  
press the following on your tone  
telephone line to make a call.  
The OLN feature is factory-preset  
OFF, 0 6 *. To turn the OLN feature  
ON, enter the programming mode  
and press the following on your tone  
1 Turn ON  
7 Inbound Tone Transfer  
* End programming sequence (3  
beeps indicate correct entry)  
1 Turn ON  
(Optional entries for additional  
6 Open Line Notification  
* Save changes and exit  
* End programming sequence (3  
beeps indicate correct entry)  
[8] Ring Reduction  
(Optional entries for additional  
Ring Reduction is designed mainly  
to accommodate auto-dial faxes that  
do not produce CNG tones.  
* Save changes and exit  
[7] Inbound Tone Transfer  
During unattended hours, if your  
phones aren’t answered by the sixth  
ring (primary default port ring  
count), the Lineshare Pro automati-  
cally reduces the number of rings  
available to the primary default port  
to two. The next time a call is  
answered and routed to the primary  
default port, the Lineshare Pro will  
only ring the primary default port  
two times and then route the call to  
the next port in the Cascade Port  
Inbound Tone Transfer operates  
only when the Lineshare Pro is  
configured in the non-secured  
The Outbound Tone Transfer is  
factory preset OFF, 0 9 *.  
If you do not want the Ring  
Reduction feature to reduce the ring  
count on the primary default port,  
you can turn the feature OFF.  
To turn the Outbound Tone  
Transfer ON, enter the  
programming mode and press the  
following on your tone phone:  
The feature is factory-preset ON,  
1 8 *. To turn the Automatic Ring  
Reduction feature OFF, enter the  
programming mode and press the  
following on your tone phone:  
1 Turn ON  
9 Outbound Tone Transfer  
* End programming sequence (3  
beeps indicate correct entry)  
0 Turn OFF  
8 Automatic Ring Reduction  
(Optional entries for additional  
* End programming sequence (3  
beeps indicate correct entry)  
* Save changes and exit  
(Optional entries for additional  
5.5 Changing Function Options  
* Save changes and exit  
Earlier in this chapter, Table 5-2  
listed the functions that can be  
altered to customize the operation  
of the Lineshare Pro.  
[9] Outbound Tone Transfer  
Outbound Tone Transfer operates  
only when the Lineshare Pro is  
configured in the non-secured  
The functions are [2] [1] through  
[9] [9] [9]. In this section you will  
find a description of each function  
and instructions for customizing the  
This feature enables you to  
manually transfer an outbound call  
from the primary default port to  
another port using your tone-type  
[2] [1] Protocol Tone Access Signal  
1 Turn ON  
* End programming sequence (3  
beeps indicate correct entry)  
Protocol Tone Access Signal  
Detection allows you to turn ON or  
OFF each port’s ability to detect  
single-frequency routing tones.  
Setting the options for this function  
can be performed in two ways:  
(Optional entries for additional  
* Save changes and exit  
• Setting an individual port ON or  
To change all ports to detect  
single frequency tones, enter the  
programming mode and press the  
following on your tone phone:  
• Setting all ports ON or OFF in  
one programming sequence.  
2 1 Protocol Tone Access Signal  
The Protocol Tone Access Signal  
Detection is factory-preset as follows  
(the first number is the  
corresponding port number; the  
second number is 0 for OFF, or 1 for  
0 Select all ports 1 through 4  
1 1 1 1 All ports ON  
* End programming sequence (3  
beeps indicate correct entry)  
1 0 * (Port 1 = OFF)  
2 0 * (Port 2 = OFF)  
3 1 * (Port 3 = ON)  
4 1 * (Port 4 = ON)  
(Optional entries for additional  
* Save changes and exit  
To change one port to detect  
single-frequency tones, enter the  
programming mode and press the  
following on your tone phone:  
[2] [2] Dual Tone Detection  
Dual Tone Detection allows you to  
turn ON or OFF each port’s ability  
to detect dual tones (access codes).  
Setting the options for this function  
can be performed in two ways.  
2 1 Protocol Tone Access Signal  
The desired port selection (1-4)  
• Setting an individual port ON or  
• Setting all ports ON or OFF in  
one programming sequence.  
To change all ports to ignore dual  
tones, enter the programming mode  
and press the following on your tone  
Settings in this function do  
not affect the settings in the  
Dual Tone Assignments  
2 2 Dual Tone Detection  
0 Select all ports 1 through 4  
0 0 0 0 All ports OFF  
Dual Tone Detection is factory-  
preset as follows (the first number is  
the corresponding port number; the  
second number is 0 for OFF, or 1  
for ON):  
* End programming sequence (3  
beeps indicate correct entry)  
1 1 * (Port 1 = ON)  
2 1 * (Port 2 = ON)  
3 1 * (Port 3 = ON)  
4 1 * (Port 4 = ON)  
(Optional entries for additional  
* Save changes and exit  
[2] [3] Protocol Tone Access Signal  
To change one port to ignore dual  
tones, enter the programming mode  
and press the following on your tone  
Protocol Tone Access Signal  
Assignment allows you to define the  
protocol tone access signal for each  
of the ports. You can enter a  
2 2 Dual Tone Detection  
The desired port selection (1-4)  
0 Turn OFF  
protocol tone access signal of 0-6 or  
9 (see Table 5-3 for information).  
* End programming sequence (3  
beeps indicate correct entry)  
(Optional entries for additional  
* Save changes and exit  
Table 5-3. Protocol Tone Access Signal Options.  
Keypad #  
Protocol Tone Access Signal  
1000 Hz  
1100 Hz (typically fax CNG tone)  
1200 Hz  
1300 Hz  
1400 Hz  
1500 Hz  
1600 Hz  
2225 Hz (typically reverse modem tone)  
2 3 Protocol Tone Access Signal  
The Protocol Tone Access Signal is  
factory-preset to 0 6 1 9 *. Protocol  
tone 0 will access Port 1, protocol  
tone 6 will access Port 2, protocol  
tone 1 will access Port 3, and  
The desired port selection (1-4)  
4 The desired new Protocol Tone  
Access Signal  
protocol tone 9 will access Port 4.  
* End programming sequence (3  
beeps indicate correct entry)  
To change Protocol Tone 4 to access  
a port, enter the programming  
mode and press the following on  
your tone phone:  
(Optional entries for additional  
* Save changes and exit  
To select different protocol tones  
for all ports, press the following on  
your tone phone:  
[3] Cascade Port Order  
Cascade Port Order operates only  
when the Lineshare Pro is  
configured in the non-secured  
2 3 Protocol Tone Access Signal  
0 Select all ports 1 through 4  
The desired new protocol tones  
This function sets the assigned  
order for the No Answer Cascade  
and Answer/Disconnect Cascade  
* End programming sequence (3  
beeps indicate correct entry)  
The sequence of the Cascade Port  
Order can be set to default to any of  
the Lineshare Pro ports. The  
Cascade Port Order is factory-preset  
to 1 2 3 4 *.  
(Optional entries for additional  
* Save changes and exit  
To change the Cascade Port Order  
to reverse its default order  
(4 3 2 1), enter the programming  
mode and press the following on  
your tone phone:  
You must enter all four digits  
to associate a tone to each  
port. If you enter only one or  
two numbers, the Lineshare  
Pro will produce an error  
3 Cascade Port Order  
4 3 2 1 The desired new cascade  
Do not assign  
protocol tone to more than  
one port. If you inadvertently  
assign a protocol tone to  
more than one port, the  
Lineshare Pro will produce  
an error tone.  
* End programming sequence (3  
beeps indicate correct entry)  
(Optional entries for additional  
* Save changes and exit  
7 U.S. style 3: 2-second ring, 4-  
second silence, single-frequency  
high tone  
You can enter one, two,  
three, or all four port  
numbers in this function.  
The Lineshare Pro will  
release a call after it reaches  
the last port in this  
The factory-preset Phantom Ring  
Style is U.S. style 1, 4 1 *.  
To change the Phantom Ring  
Style, enter the programming mode  
and press the following on your tone  
[4] Phantom Ring Style  
When the Lineshare Pro answers a  
call, it produces a “phantom” ring  
signal. This tone is intended to make  
the switching process transparent to  
the caller. The Lineshare Pro has  
seven (7) different phantom ring  
types to choose from, allowing you  
to select a ring style similar to your  
local phone company’s ring signal.  
4 Phantom Ring Style  
The desired ring style  
* End programming sequence  
(3 beeps indicate correct entry)  
(Optional entries for additional  
The following ring types are  
* Save changes and exit  
1 U.S. style 1: 2-second ring, 4-  
second silence, dual tones  
[5] Emergency Call Override  
Emergency Call Override allows you  
to interrupt a call that is in process  
on either Port 2, Port 3, or Port 4.  
2 Belgium style: 1-second ring,  
3-second silence  
3 European style: 0.4-second ring,  
0.2-second silence  
The Emergency Call Override  
feature is factory-preset OFF, 5 0 *,  
and will not allow interruption of  
calls. When ON, this feature has  
two modes of operation as follows:  
4 Special style: 1-second ring,  
5-second silence  
5 U.K. style: 1.5-second ring,  
1.5-second silence  
1 Automatic  
2 Manual  
6 U.S. style 2: 2-second ring, 4-  
second silence, single-frequency  
low tone  
To turn Emergency Call Override  
ON (automatic mode), enter the  
programming mode and press the  
following on your tone phone:  
You can set only one port’s  
assignment per program-  
ming sequence.  
5 Emergency Call Override  
1 Automatic  
To select a new Dual Tone  
Assignment for a port, press the  
following on your tone phone:  
* End programming sequence (3  
beeps indicate correct entry)  
6 Dual Tone Assignments  
The desired port selection (1-4)  
The desired new access code  
(Optional entries for additional  
* Save changes and exit  
* End programming sequence (3  
beeps indicate correct entry)  
[6] Dual Tone Assignments  
(Optional entries for additional  
The Dual Tone Assignments  
function allows you to define the  
port access code to each of the  
Lineshare Pro ports. When you or a  
caller enter this code on the keypad  
of a tone phone, the Lineshare Pro  
transfers the call to the selected port.  
You can enter up to a four-digit code  
in this position for each of the ports.  
* Save changes and exit  
Do not program similar, or  
identical access codes into  
PORT 1, PORT 2, PORT 3, or  
Assignments (example:  
The Dual Tone Assignments are  
factory-preset as follows:  
PORT 1 = 123, PORT 2 =  
1234). Similar or identical  
codes may interfere with  
proper operation.  
• Port 1 1 1  
• Port 2 2 2  
• Port 3 3 3  
• Port 4 4 4  
[7][5] Time at Home  
[7][6] Extension Detection Timer  
The Time at Home function  
The Extension Detection Timer  
operates only when the Lineshare  
Pro is configured in the non-secured  
controls the amount of time that the  
Lineshare Pro holds the phone line  
open and listens for a routing  
command. It is activated when the  
Lineshare Pro is in the secured  
mode, or when Home Routing is  
turned ON and a call is routed  
home. When the Time at Home  
period expires, the Lineshare Pro  
disconnects the call without  
This function controls the amount  
of time that the Lineshare Pro allows  
an extension phone (not connected  
to one its ports) to answer an  
incoming call that is ringing the  
primary default port.  
rerouting to another port.  
The Extension Detection Timer is  
factory preset, 1 5 *, which allows 15  
seconds for a routing command to  
be entered. The timer can be set for  
from 1 to 30 seconds.  
You must turn ON the Home  
Routing feature in order for  
this function to activate,  
even in the secured mode.  
To change the Extension  
Detection Timer to 25 seconds,  
enter the programming mode and  
press the following on your tone  
The Time at Home is factory-  
preset, 3 0 *, which allows 30  
seconds for a routing command to  
be entered. The range of this  
function can be set between 1 to 60  
7 6 Extension Detection Timer  
2 5 Set time to 25 seconds  
To change the Time at Home to  
40 seconds, enter the programming  
mode and press the following on  
your tone phone:  
* End programming sequence (3  
beeps indicate correct entry)  
(Optional entries for additional  
7 5 Time at Home  
* Save changes and exit  
4 0 Set time to 40 seconds  
* End programming sequence  
(3 beeps indicate correct entry)  
[8] Rings Available to the Ports  
The Rings Available to the Ports  
feature allows you to define the  
number of rings available to each  
port. The number of rings available  
to the ports range from 0 to 99 rings.  
The Rings Available to the Ports are  
factory-preset as follows:  
(Optional entries for additional  
* Save changes and exit  
• Port 1 6 rings  
• Port 2 4 rings  
• Port 3 4 rings  
• Port 4 4 rings  
This function has a range of 0 to  
99 rings to answer a call. The Rings  
to Answer Call is factory-preset to  
one ring, 8 5 1 *.  
To change the Rings to Answer  
Call to two rings, enter the  
programming mode and press the  
following on your tone phone:  
To change the Rings Available to a  
port to 20 rings, enter the  
programming mode and press the  
following on your tone phone:  
8 5 Rings to Answer Call  
2 The desired new number of  
8 Rings Available to the  
* End programming sequence (3  
beeps indicate correct entry)  
The selected port  
2 0 The desired new number of  
(Optional entries for additional  
* End programming sequence (3  
beeps indicate correct entry)  
* Save changes and exit  
(Optional entries for additional  
[9] [9] [9] Reset to Factory Settings  
To reset all features to their original  
factory settings, enter the  
programming mode and press the  
following on your tone phone:  
* Save changes and exit  
[8] [5] Rings to Answer Call  
9 9 9 Reset to Factory Settings  
The Rings to Answer Call feature  
determines the number of rings  
received for a incoming phone call  
before the Lineshare Pro answers.  
The factory setting is one ring, to  
permit the Lineshare Pro to answer  
and transfer calls as quickly as  
* End programming sequence (3  
beeps indicate correct entry)  
(Optional entries for additional  
* Save changes and exit  
Under normal circumstances, it is  
not necessary to change this setting.  
However, if you have the phone  
company’s “Caller ID” service, you  
must set the Rings to Answer Call to  
two rings.  
© Copyright 1996. Black Box Corporation. All rights reserved.  
1000 Park Drive • Lawrence, PA 15055-1018 • 724-746-5500 • Fax 724-746-0746  

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